Thomas Ashton School

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I am proud and delighted to welcome you to Thomas Ashton School.

Thomas Ashton School is a school for children aged 5 – 14 who have identified social, emotional and/or mental health needs that significantly impact on their Education. We provide a nurturing, caring environment where learning remains the key focus, along with relationships and emotional maturity. We aim to meet our pupils’ needs to help them overcome the barriers that have limited their progress.

We aim to provide pupils from Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 with the necessary support and challenge to help them achieve their potential, both with their learning and with their personal and social development. We have a set of core values we call our Bee Values:

  • Be Considerate
  • Be Honest
  • Be Joyful
  • Be Enquiring
  • Be Tolerant
  • Be Resilient

Thomas Ashton School is heading towards being a THRIVE school. This means that we aim to have the THRIVE ethos embedded within our curriculum and THRIVE approaches across our whole setting. We also follow the Team Teach Approach to positive behaviour management and physical intervention. Both approaches focus primarily on the needs of the child, providing strategies to both manage challenging behaviours and also to promote positive changes in behaviour. Our approach is to try to understand why behaviours occur and find solutions to support the child through the experience.

The staff and the environment at Thomas Ashton School combine to provide positive and engaging learning opportunities for all. They promote the core skills of reading, writing, communication, numeracy and personal and social development. In addition, the talents and the skills of our pupils are nurtured through a variety of creative and practical learning experience, we aim to build resilience, team work and an appreciation of the need for a healthy and active lifestyle.

We work hard to build strong relationships between home and school. We value and celebrate the diversity of our school community and of our society as a whole. We strive to promote mutual respect and tolerance. We believe in equal opportunities for all and will always treat our pupils fairly and as individuals.

Thomas Ashton is a vibrant school with a modern building that is bright, light and welcoming. Whether our pupils are indoors or outdoors, the focus is on learning through enjoyment and relationships.

Our children say that they enjoy school, they learn a lot, they feel safe and that staff care about them.

Emma Stewart
Head of School