Thomas Ashton School

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Our School


Thomas Ashton School is a school for children aged 7 – 14 who have identified social, emotional and/or mental health needs that significantly impact on their behaviour in school. We provide a nurturing, caring environment where learning remains the key focus, but where a child’s needs can be better met to help them come to terms with, and overcome (where possible), the barriers that have limited their progress.

We aim to provide boys and girls from Key Stages 2 and 3 with the necessary support and challenge to help them achieve their potential, both with their learning and with their personal and social development. We want our pupils to leave Thomas Ashton School with high aspirations, a strong sense of self-belief, respect and tolerance for themselves and for others, and a solid foundation of learning upon which they can build a successful future.

Our ethos makes Thomas Ashton School a welcoming, friendly and caring place to come and learn, to feel safe and to have fun. We have high expectations of everyone at Thomas Ashton School. We believe in working together as a team, including parents, carers and other agencies, in order to give the best support possible for the pupils in our care. In wanting the best from our pupils, we must be able to say at all times that we have provided the best for them!

We are a learning community and we understand that education is constantly evolving. This in itself is a reason for needing to be reflective in our practice. Every young person is an individual, and the more we learn about our pupils, the more we need to think about what we do and how we do it, and be ready and willing to change to ensure that every learner can be successful.

Our aims and values at Thomas Ashton School make learning the key priority, whether it be academically, emotionally or socially. We want our pupils to develop and mature as much as possible, so that they can transfer to KS4 with confidence and with the capacity to move forwards and to be successful in life.

The staff and the environment at Thomas Ashton School combine to provide positive and engaging learning opportunities for all. They promote the core skills of reading, writing, communication, numeracy and personal and social development. In addition, the talents and the skills of our pupils are nurtured through a variety of creative and practical learning experiences. For example, we seek to raise awareness of local, national and international issues through the combination of Enterprise and Citizenship, using fund raising as a vehicle for learning; we aim to build resilience, team work and an appreciation of the need for a healthy and active lifestyle through our sports programme.

We work hard to build strong relationships between home and school. We value and celebrate the diversity of our school community and of our society as a whole. We strive to promote mutual respect and tolerance. We believe in equal opportunities for all and will always treat our pupils fairly and as individuals.

Thomas Ashton is a vibrant school with a modern building that is bright, light and welcoming. Whether our pupils are indoors or outdoors, the focus is on learning through enjoyment, supported by the latest technology where possible. 
